I’m an Android smartphone fanboy and I’m currently using Samsung Galaxy S22+. So far, this is my 10 list of must-have apps for my phone.
1. Bitwarden (Password Manager)
Bitwardwen is a free password manager. Similar to Lastpass and other password manager, it only requires you to remember only one password. Bitwarden do help me a lot in a day to day use of smartphone where it can fill up username and password for almost all application. Although it is not perfect, it is good enough for me.
2. Authy (Two Factor Authentication Generator)
Authy by Twillio does synchronize the 2FA codes with all devices. If you are currently using Google Authenticator, you will know that Google Authenticator do offer backup of 2FA code. It is the same with Authy. It does work for me and I do have too many 2FA code to migrate to Google Authenticator.
3. Whatsapp
To date, WhatsApp is the most used messaging apps in my life. Almost all of my contacts do have WhatsApp installed and hence, it is my must have apps.
4. Banking Apps (Maybank, Ambank, HSBC)
Nowadays, banks are using apps to authorize a payment. Hence it is a must have apps since banks are changing from sending TAC codes from unsecured SMS protocol to apps.
5. Touch n Go e-Wallet
Touch’n Go e-Wallet is a must to act as a backup in the event of bank sudden maintenance. Also, TnG e-wallet do have Go+ product for money market fund. It enables me to temporarily park a money before depositing to Amanah Saham Bumiputera.
6. Google Photos
This is a place where I do store all of my photo. It is convenient since Google Photos provides option to automatically compress the image to save up some storage space.
7. Speedtest
I’m a technology geeks where I love to know the current network speed. Wherever I go, I’m interested to know if the specific place do have fast internet connectivity.
8. YouTube
Even though I’m young, but I didn’t understand TikTok. I’m ignorant and refuse to understand TikTok. YouTube is the best. YouTube have content that are long and enjoyable to me. Jangan kecam saya. kbye.
9. Opera web browser
Since the launch of Opera One, I have migrated from using Microsoft Edge to Opera web browser on all of my devices (including Laptop). So far, I’m quite satisfied and would love to recommend the browser to everybody.
10. Google Keep
It is a note apps that are synchronized with Google server. So, when I write a notes on my phone, I can access it on my laptop too and vice versa. It is convenient, simple and hassle free.
That’s the 10 must have apps for me. What is the must have for you?